from Live Sound to PR and & more - contact us for details
live sound services, live recording, audio editing, audio installations, touring systems...
copy for your website & social media, audio for soundcloud or youtube, developing a press kit, etc.
soldering cables, instrument repairs, touring logistics, manage/ develop music summer camps, festivals, sound & vocal percussion clinics...
jazz performances, world music events, social media launch, mics for live recording, ...
Dissonant Grace is a musician's one-stop-shop for audio engineering, web & public relations supports and more.
In a world full of dissonance, we hope to share a little bit of grace.
A native of East Germany, listening to gospel and Bach, Theo has always been a musician first. His own current musical efforts include the worship band Refuge, and the duo project lautark. Starting on cello and guitar, he now does most of his performing on piccolo upright and electric bass, but also enjoys stage time singing, beat boxing, live-looping, and with various percussive, stringed, other instruments. As a member of various ensembles, Theo has toured and performed in Europe, Taiwan, Central America and South Africa; in venues including the Birdland in Hamburg, United Nations and WHO headquarters in Geneva, as well as the Presidential Residences of Taiwan and Costa Rica. He has further had the honor to man the mixer for such diverse artists as New York Voices, Jamey Haddad, Gary Smulyan, Paul Livingstone, Balawan, the World Vision Youth Ambassadors, and the Toledo Jazz Orchestra to name a few.
Other professional endevours include working on trauma informed care and positive behavior support stragegies for individuals with intellectual disablities and mental health challenges, writing and editing, translations, and diverse Organization Development & Change Management projects. Theo is a graduate of the Executive Master of Organziation Development program at Bowling Green State University.